Sharing my life - the triumphs and trials in hopes of inspiring others on this journey called "Life"

Friday, December 27, 2013

Hello Dear Friends!

Hello Dear Friends!

It's been what seems like FOREVER since I've written!
I feel so badly about that.
My life just became so incredibly busy, I couldn't keep up with it all. 
Unfortunately, my blog suffered :0(

It's been an incredible year though and I am so thankful for so many things...
First and foremost, my Savior who has blessed me beyond measure
and holds me together.
Next, for my incredible family who mean the WORLD to me!
Without them, my life would not have much meaning. 

My business has really soared this year. 
It's been a lot of work, but it hasn't seemed like work because I enjoy it so much. 
My husband and I actually put a goal into place recently
and that's to retire...REALLY retire in the next 6 years. 
Of course, it's all in God's hands, but I've learned it's important to have goals to reach for.
I have already met several in the past year and for that I am very grateful!

I wish each and every one of you all the best in the coming year!
If you don't know Jesus, I pray you will come to know HIM. 
There is nothing that matters more!
 I believe with all my heart that the soul lives on when we leave this earth
but the only way to make it into the Father's Kingdom, is through HIS SON! 

One day there will be a glorious reunion up there.
In the meantime, I want to make the most of every moment
and pray that my family will ALWAYS KNOW
how much they mean to me, and how much I love them!!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

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