Sharing my life - the triumphs and trials in hopes of inspiring others on this journey called "Life"

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I Love My LIfe

My attitude today astounds me mostly because my sleep the past two nights 
has not been good, and because I had such a restless night two nights ago, 
last night I was especially tired. 
Milli has been on medicine since last week for some hacking condition she has
and she had been improving until last night.
EVERY TIME I'd start to fall asleep, she's start her wheezing and hacking...
the only way I know to describe it is that she sounds like an old man
trying to cough up mucus (I'm sorry, I know that is disgusting) 
but that's exactly what she sounds like. 
I'm told her lungs are fine, her heart is fine, and her blood pressure is fine.
The Vet suspects that she has something going on because of her poor dental health 
and the only way to completely resolve that would be to remove all her teeth
which I am NOT going to have done. 
So anyway, finally at about 1 or 2 in the morning I put her out in the kitchen area, 
and closed the door. (She usually sleeps in her bed in our bedroom). 
Manny & I struggled to get back to sleep and prayed she would not start howling 
for being put out (she did not howl - Thank GOD!)

I almost didn't hear the tone from my phone letting me know that Ethan was on his way
but I did hear my dreams, and I quickly sprang up, got dressed, and put my face on. 
Ethan and his beautiful mommy greeted us at the door 20 minutes later. 
He was all smiles. What a way to start the day ♥
I put Milli in our bedroom just off the kitchen area and confined her with the baby gate.
This way she can see what's going on, but I don't have to worry about her with Ethan.
He's on the floor so much of the time, and she's old and deaf 
and has dementia moments alot so I take no chances. 
So, it was mid-morning, Ethan had eaten his breakfast and was playing on the floor
I happened to glance into my bedroom at Milli as my nose was catching a whiff 
and there it was...on the floor she had had an accident and not the wet kind, 
and to make things worse, she had stepped in it. 
I know that's gross - I'm sorry, and I'm a clean freak, 
so I made sure Ethan was in a safe place and I gathered up Milli, 
carried her outside where I hurriedly cleaned up her feet and disinfected them. 
Then I went into the house and cleaned and disinfected my bedroom floor
all the while keeping an eye on Ethan and talking to him so he knew I was right there. 
I had to quarantine Milli in my laundry room until my bedroom floor was dry.
Then I went to get Ethan and I smelled that lovely smell again, 
it was coming from him this time. 
It was amazingly contained in his clothes but it was going up his back 
and the clean-up process was not going to be pretty. 
I carried him into my bathroom and started running a bath...
I knew a simple diaper change was not going to clean him up. 
Good thing is he LOVES a bath!
Got him and all of that cleaned up and put him on his play mat
and went to look for Milli...she was NOT in the laundry room.
 Well, actually she was, she had just gotten under the laundry bags???
 I'm not sure if you can tell, but there is not much room under there.
Don't ask me what she was doing there, I honestly could not tell you, 
but I fished her out and by then my bedroom floor was dry, 
and so was she, and Ethan was clean and we all went on with the rest of our day
which involved Yo Gabba Gabba videos on the computer
as Ethan was being introduced to Chicken Noodle soup (which he loved by the way).
After his nap we moved into the living room where he discovered all our old videos 
and I decided to put Toy Story on for him and even got out the Woody doll 
which use to be Ethan's daddy's (please tell me where the years have gone?)
And of course, Papa rushed home to have some playtime with Ethan. 
He introduced him to Dominoes :0)
It was really and truly a lovely day. 
I surprised myself at how well I handled the poop sessions...
probably better than when I was a young mother. 
I am discovering as a grandmother, I laugh at things more, 
and cherish the moments more...
that's not to say I won't still have a meltdown from time-to-time
but I'm thankful for all these wonderful moments of my day 
and the precious ones I get to spend them with.

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