Sharing my life - the triumphs and trials in hopes of inspiring others on this journey called "Life"

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Grocery Shopping...YAY!

Had another productive day with the bookkeeping yesterday
and when I finally crawled into bed I slept like a baby.
I don't think I moved all night long. 
Woke up refreshed, got dressed, did some laundry
then headed out to make some deliveries and do some grocery shopping.
I had not been to the grocery store in a while.
Picked up some things for mama, too. 
Got home, unloaded the car, put things away, and started dinner. 
Had dinner ready when Manny got home, 
and now it's still a decent hour and the kitchen is already clean...

Tomorrow is a very special day
it's my mama's birthday
Her 87th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Mom, I sure do love you!
We'll have Ethan tomorrow, too. 

Gonna head upstairs now to do my Pilates, 
then get my bath
then catch a movie with my honey. 


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