Sharing my life - the triumphs and trials in hopes of inspiring others on this journey called "Life"

Monday, August 19, 2013

Fought With a Snake

I had a fairly productive day today.
Had to work on our Sales Tax report. 
That took the better part of the morning.
Then I went to the grocery store.
When I came home and pulled into the driveway
and hit my remote to open the garage door
I noticed something slithering into the garage. 
They don't bother me too badly.
I stopped the car, got out and ran around him trying to get to the broom.
I grabbed the broom and started coaxing him outside.
He was not amused. 
He did not want to go outside, but I didn't want him in the garage.
I insisted and he got mad and stated hissing and lunging at me. 
One time he got a little too close 
I let out a little scream (and that made me madder)
so I pushed him a bit harder with the broom 
and he finally surrendered and went into the grass.
I was tired, and just wanted to bring the groceries in, ha ha.
Came in, unloaded the groceries, cooked dinner, cleaned the kitchen, 
answered some phone calls, took some orders,
and now I'm going to get my bath and go to bed.
Good night everyone.

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