Sharing my life - the triumphs and trials in hopes of inspiring others on this journey called "Life"

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Weight Watchers

So, about 14 years ago I lost 25+ lbs. I did it by using Slim Fast shakes and meals for at least one of my daily meals, and I paid attention to what I was eating. I also started doing Pilates and weights for my upper body. The excess weight came off pretty quick. I was so happy and LOVED the new me. Actually, it was the same me, but less of me. I had more energy and felt better than I had in a while.

Unfortunately, some of those excess pounds have come back to pay me a visit,
partly because I have gone through menopause and that seems to wreak havoc on our metabolism,
and secondly because I had slipped back into some bad eating habits again.
I have tried various things to help me get those extra pounds off
but they keep coming back. I need some accountability.

So last week I joined Weight Watchers.
Today was my 1st week weigh-in and I'm down 2.8 lbs.
Let's hope I'm strong enough to keep this going.
It's not so much about the weight or the extra pounds,
it is about the way I feel.
Know what I'm talking about?

My goal is to lose about 12 more pounds.
How about you?
What are some of your goals?
Write them down and post them around. It will help keep you motivated.

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