Sharing my life - the triumphs and trials in hopes of inspiring others on this journey called "Life"

Friday, May 31, 2013

Another "Monday" Friday

Today was one of those Fridays that seemed more like a Monday.
Thank goodness it wasn't!
I was busy, busy, but didn't seem to accomplish near enough.
I've been meaning to Skype my sister all week and it hasn't happened. 
Soon she will be a GRANDMOTHER!!!
I know she is super-excited as she should be!
Her life will soon change for the better times a hundred!
There is nothing in the world like being a grandparent.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
"it takes l♥ve to a whole new level!"

Today was our last day watching Rufus.
Tomorrow his family will be back from vacation.
I know he will be so glad to see them 
and visa-versa. 
Here are some of the ways I will miss him:
Being with me as I put my makeup on in the morning
I love his pose here. 
 Of course Milli had to be there too (although she's not too interested)

And the way he would go comatose after mealtime

Until next time Big Boy, we're gonna miss you.

Here is a picture I didn't get to post last night. 
It's a picture of a locket a lady was wearing. 
Her daughter had bought it for her for her birthday
but look inside...
this woman has her grandmother's ring inside.
Isn't that precious!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Jewelry Bar

Busy day today. 
Ran some errands which took me all over the place.
Delivered some lockets.
Spent some time with my friend who started chemo.
Came back home to find an order of products waiting at my door.
Thank the LORD because I was all out of my silver chains.
Fed and walked both dogs.
Freshened up, then headed out to my Jewelry Bar Party. 
It was held at a Salon. 
No sooner did I get stuff on my table and the women came running. 
I was helping them put together lockets before I even had everything out.
I met some very nice ladies and enjoyed the fellowship very much. 
Sold a LOT of lockets! This hostess has earned quite a bit of free stuff!
Stopped by Dunkin Donuts to bring home a treat for Manny. 
Was greeted by both the dogs :0)
I'll try to post some pics tomorrow. 
It's a hot bath and bed for me now.
Good night!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Oh My...Strange Day

Today was a fairly peaceful day and I got several things accomplished. 
Prepared for a Jewelry Bar I'm doing tomorrow night. 
Labeled some business cards and catalogs. 
Took care of the four legged kiddos, one young and one a senior citizen, lol.
This is Rufus enjoying his evening meal
 and this is what his bowl looks like when he's done
Pretty amazing. Almost doesn't need cleaning,  ha ha.

Tonight I met with some of my girls to help them along and learn from each other.
On the way, I had a confrontation with some very rude young men...young teens, actually. 
They seemed to think it was funny to be walking on the road 
almost daring someone to hit them. 
I am so thankful I saw them.
I honked my horn and they immediately put their hands up to flick me off 
and proceeded to spin around with their fingers in the air. 
That didn't set too well with me. I drove a few blocks up and then made a u-turn.
I drove right back to where they were and did another u turn pulling in front of them.
I rolled down my window and told them I had been in a car years before
where a pedestrian got hit and died.
The situation was a bit different but the end was very tragic.
I asked them if they realized how dangerous what they were doing was. 
One didn't seem to care very much at all, the other one stopped and listened. 
I drove away very sick to my stomach.
If I didn't need to be somewhere I might have followed them home 
to let their parents know what they had been up to...
but they may not have cared. Only God knows. 
I hope and pray those boys will have some guidance to help them.

Tomorrow is a new day.
I'm praying for a friend of mine who will be starting chemo. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Not A Monday :0)

I love when you come back from a holiday weekend
and realize even though the day seemed like a Monday
it was actually a Tuesday...YAY...Short Work Week!

The day went well. 
I met a friend for lunch. She is actually on my team of designers.
We got to visit, talked about our jewelry shows, our families, and God. 
We met another lady who use to go to our church and Ladies' Bible Studies.

Back on the home front, Milli has been acting rather confused over Rufus being here
but she's been much nicer to him than she use to be. 
Yesterday I was watching a movie in the afternoon
while Manny was outside catching up on some things around our house.
Milli was restless so I put her up on the bed with me. 
  She laid there with me for quite a while and fell asleep. 
When she was younger she use to jump up on our bed - like nothing and it's a HIGH bed, 
but that's what Jack Russells do...just not any more, for her anyway. 

Later in the day, when the sun was starting to go down we took both dogs for a walk.
Rufus actually walked and Milli hitched a ride in the back of he stroller.

This is a house in our neighborhood that's recently been painted. 
I think it's such a pretty house.

And this is back at home after a walk, a typical scene after he's been walking
it wears him out!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend was a 3-day weekend set aside to honor all the military men and women
who have served our country. 
We have picnics and get together with family and friends
but do we really stop and think about the true meaning of this holiday?

This post that I read on Facebook today sums it up best I think:

"There are those who would say “Happy Memorial Day” but this is a solemn day. 
Today we remember the service, sacrifice, and commitment of those who were willing to give the last full measure of devotion in order for us to enjoy the blessings of liberty, freedom, and democracy.

Before you head to the beach, or fire up the grill, take your children and grandchildren to a national cemetery. 
Let them know there were men and women who made it possible for them to have their summer fun.

And if you are anywhere near Marietta National Cemetery in Georgia, please, for me, go by the grave site of 
Army Corporal Herman West Sr and render a salute to my dad and tell him thanks."

That was posted by former Congressman Allen West
along with this beautiful picture

May we never, ever forget!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dinner with Elvis

This was our wake up call this morning
Not too bad! 
Usually our first morning with Rufus he's starts trying to get our attention around 4 or 5.
Actually though, I was up before 5 with Milli...
I heard her up and slipped out of the bedroom without Rufus even knowing.
Took Milli out and crawled back into bed for another few hours. 
So we got up at 6:51, took the big boy out, then fed him, and Milli
then got ready for church. 

This is who was waiting for us at church
Our Beautiful Sarah Anne :0)

Church was awesome, then we got a quick bite of breakfast out 
then went to the grocery store. 
Came home, let both the dogs out, gave them a treat, 
put the groceries away
then lied down to watch a movie and take an afternoon nap.
It was a very restful afternoon.

Tonight we met our good friends, Joe and Susie, for dinner
at a charming little place and there was entertainment.
Guess who?
and he was REALLY GOOD!!!
He came out into the audience and greeted all the ladies

(Of course that made me really nervous! I was like a frozen statue here, ha ha)
 Susie didn't seem nervous at all. This was a GREAT pic of her w/Elvis!
 But he was super nice and put on an excellent show!

Manny & I had a really nice time visiting with our friends.
Susie took this picture of Manny & Me

It was a lovely day! 
Since it's Memorial Weekend I created this locket to wear today

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Look Who's Come to Visit

Our Granddog Rufus has come for a visit. 
His mommy, daddy, and brother Ethan are going on vacation.
We've already gone for our daily walk and now he's just chillin'.

Today my hubby finished up a project he began yesterday
pressure washing the house and driveway.
This was my view of his efforts
This ladder got moved all around the house as he was working on the roof.
He's finished now and he's mighty tired. 
So I've made him a milkshake and we've put on a movie.
Hope you are having a good holiday this Memorial Weekend!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Good Days / Bad Attitudes

Yesterday was a pretty good day, but last night was not.
I was struggling with an attitude (in me) that I did not approve of.
Went to bed feeling crappy, sleep was not so great. 
My husband had to be up EARLY to meet his brother an hour away 
to pick up some equipment. 
I did not get out of bed that early, I went back to sleep and had crazy dreams.
You know how that goes, when you fall back to sleep.
Woke up at 7:30, to a nice surprise that Milli had left me (thank you Milli)
Cleaned it up, then made my bed and got myself dressed.
And my day had begun...
I do a lot of work on the computer and the phones, 
that consumed the better part of today. 
Got a call mid-morning from my mother next door...
I could tell by her direct command to "come over" that something was wrong.
She had fallen and was having trouble getting up.
Thank GOD she did not hurt herself badly.
Came back home and continued on with my day. 

Had another girl sign up on the waiting list to join my team. 
That makes about 5 on the waiting list under me
but altogether there are 20,000 waiting to get in. 
My team is growing fast and I give all the praise to God above. 
My first goal is to pay off our credit cards.
When the economy bottomed out a few years ago it became necessary to use them.
I'll keep you posted. 
Btw, my designer # is 5434

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Crazy World

There are several scandals going on right now in this crazy world we live in.
One is concerning the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi on Sept 11, 2012,
another is concerning the IRS and their blatant attack on conservatives, 
another is concerning the confiscation of personal information and records 
from reporters...
If I didn't know better, I would think I was living in a Communist Country.
Things are getting scary in the good old USA, 
and the scariest part is not who's leading our country 
but the people who put him (them) in that position.
People seem to take a deaf ear and a blind eye to what's going on.
It's unbelievable!
I'm afraid they won't wake up until it's too late, 
but I know The One who holds my future,
and I have peace that despite all that is crazy and evil in this world because
God is still in control, still on the Throne, and He's got me covered. 

On to happier things...
today we had Ethan
 He wasn't feeling all that great today, so we watched movies
First we watched Toy Story

We have the action figures because they belonged to his daddy
And then we watched Toy Story 2

His daddy came by to get him a little earlier than usual. 
Hope the little guy will soon be feeling better. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Better News

When I woke up this morning the news report was almost like a miracle.
They were saying that the number of deaths was inaccurate 
and that it was actually about half the number they had been reporting. 
Apparently because of the chaos they were not getting the reports straight 
from the hospitals and medical examiner's office.
So the count now is at 24 with only 7 being children. 
The loss of one life is a horrible thing and we must continue to pray 
for each and every family affected by this terrible storm, 
but I am so thankful that the loss of life was not as bad as we first thought. 

People are coming from everywhere to help this community
and those involved are banding together and helping one another. 
Difficulties can make us stronger, even though we'd rather not endure the difficult times.

I'll leave you with this inspirational video 
Get out the kleenex

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Horrible Tragedy

After my post from last night I realized that this tragedy was even worse!
It involved children at a school.
They should have been safe, but they weren't.
The school was leveled. 
My heart is so broken, I don't understand why children had to die!
Can you imagine how their parents feel right now. 
Oh God please send your Holy Spirit to comfort these families.
Please keep all those affected in your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Praying for Tornado Victims

Terrible tornadoes have ripped through the Mid-West last night and today.
SO MUCH devastation! Praying for all those affected. 

How do you pick up the pieces?
Kind of puts things into perspective

The things we worry about or get upset over...
Look at these poor people who have lost everything but their lives
And in the midst of the rubble, one of God's tiny creatures is found alive.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Went to church this morning...I L♥VE going to church!
I love seeing our children and grandchildren there and giving them a BIG HUG.
...nothing sweeter than worshiping with your family.
After church Manny and I went to get a bite to eat. I don't cook much on Sunday.
We wound up at Bob Evans and this is what I got

I didn't eat this all (although I probably could have)
I only ate one pancake and I didn't eat all the bacon or hashbrowns.
I love to eat, especially pancakes.
I have decided they are my favorite food group (even though they are not a group)
but my body has been playing around with 5-7 extra lbs
and I'm watching closely that that number doesn't grow. 
I lost about 30 lbs 10 years ago...
when my metabolism changed and I realized 
that I couldn't eat just anything and everything any more.
I've noticed my body changing again lately, especially around the middle.
I'm hoping I'm nearing the end of my change 
which has been taking place for the past decade it would seem,
and I'm thinking that's the cause for my weight fluctuation.
I'm also finally having the dreaded hot flashes
at all hours of the day and night where you want to practically strip
no matter where you are and in the middle of the night the covers go flying off!

Anyway, getting back to my lazy Sunday afternoon -
when we got home from church and brunch we took a nap...
a LONG nap, and then we put on a movie,  "Dolphin Tale"
Have you heard of it? Have you seen it? 
Now we want to take Hannah to see the real Dolphin.

Milli has been spacing out real bad today, she just wanders around the house
and winds up in corners. I pick her up and hold her...she just stares.
I'm not sure if she knows me or not, but I think she does.
She seems to feel safe in my arms. 
Her appetite has really picked up again. 
She's eating two or three smaller meals each day. 
I make her rice w/broth and add it to her dry dog food. 
She gobbles it up. 
Other than being spacey, she seems ok. 

This was a picture of her looking for her bed. 
It's usually always in this corner of the kitchen but she was so restless 
I carried it into the bedroom where we were so she could be with us.
Then after the movie was over Manny went outside to mow the grass 
and I'm sitting here writing on my blog. 
I turned around and saw her in the corner like this
So I ran and got her bed from the bedroom and put it here again.
She immediately climbed in and went to sleep.

Well, another weekend is almost behind us. 
I love the weekends. Kind of wish we didn't have to work tomorrow
although we are SO THANKFUL for the work God provides. 
We'd just rather get up and do whatever instead of taking care of clients all day long...
But wouldn't we all love to play hookie, hahaha.

Here is a clip of that movie