My husband's been wanting to teach me how to drive our bus.
and where we currently store it happens to be the perfect place
because outside of the warehouse there is a big empty parking lot.
Anyway, today was the day.
Now, I've watched him drive this bus for the past six years
but watching and doing are two different things.
Here he's going over the controls with me
Do I look ready? we go ---
I even backed it up. I liked doing that :0)
After a few times around, my husband pointed out this close encounter
(Do you see the tire mark path on the pavement?)
That's our cute little Kia Soul on the right side
Do you see how close I got to it??? YIKES!!!
I had been checking my mirrors but never noticed how close I had gotten!
Our bus is 40 feet long and you have to make really wide turns.
I would not have been a happy camper if I had scratched our car
or worse (I'm not gonna even think about it).
Anyway, my hubby said I did real good.
I'm gonna take his word for it
because I have no intentions of driving on the road anytime soon :0)
Yeah, good for you. You sure were courages to try that stunt:0)